HistoCrypt 2022

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HistoCrypt 2022
June 20-22, 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Registration for participation at the HistoCrypt conference in Amsterdam on 20-22 June 2022:

CLOSED as of 12 June 2022

Please note: Registration will only take place after payment of 200 Euros through your bankaccount cheques, cash on-site or other forms of payments will not be accepted.

The registration fee includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks for three days, as well as a welcome reception and a conference dinner.

The bankaccount for the registration is:
Name: J.G.H.C. van Tuyll
IBAN: NL63INGB0001273078

Under current government regulations (regarding Covid-19 pandemic) cititzens of the European Union will need a QR-Code to get access to the site.
Participants from outside the European Union will need to provide a recent test result to be allowed entering the Netherlands.

Registration closes at 12 June 2022


Photo: Inge Hoogland

Last update 2022-06-12