HistoCrypt 2022

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HistoCrypt 2022
June 20-22, 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Conference Program

The program in detail can be downloaded here: [PDF] Program details


Sunday 19 June Monday 20 June Tuesday 21 June Wednesday 22 June
8:15 Registration & Breakfast 8:15 Registration & Breakfast 8:15 Registration & Breakfast
9:00 Opening 9:00 Session 4: Machine Learning II 9:00 Session 7: Tools & Resources
9:30 Session 1: Machine Learning I 9:50 2nd Keynote: Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons 9:40 3rd Keynote: Gerhard Strasser
10:30 Coffee 11:00 Coffee 10:45 Coffee
11:00 Session 2: Historical Documents I 11:30 Session 5: Cipher Machines II 11:15 Session 8: Historical Cryptology I
12:45 Lunch & Break 12:45 Lunch & Break 12:45 Lunch & Break
13:45 1st Keynote: Maarten Oberman 14:30 Session 6: Historical Documents II 14:00 Session 9: Historical Cryptology II
15:15 Coffee 16:15 Coffee & Posters 15:45 Coffee
- 16:50
Session 3: Cipher machines I 17:00
- 18:45
Business Meeting 16:15
- 16:30
19:00 Informal joint dinner (*) 17:00
- 19:00
Welcome Reception & Dinner 19:00 Conference Dinner
- 21:30
Canal Cruise
(*) for all those who have already arrived in Amsterdam and would like to get together (informal, self-paying; tables will be reserved in a nice restaurant for everybody who wants to join – to book a seat, please send an email to Karl de Leeuw: karl13@xs4all.nl


Photo: Inge Hoogland

Last update 2022-04-26