HistoCrypt 2022

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HistoCrypt 2022
June 20-22, 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Call for papers

Website: https://histocrypt.org/
Submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=histocrypt2022

Contact: histocrypt2022@deutsches-museum.de

The International Conference on Historical Cryptology (HistoCrypt 2022) invites submissions of papers to its annual conference on historical cryptology. The conference will be held in June 20-22, 2022 at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Please mark your calendars.

HistoCrypt addresses all aspects of historical cryptography and cryptanalysis. The conference's subjects include, but are not limited to:

  • the use of cryptography in military, diplomacy, business, and other areas
  • analysis of historical ciphers with the help of modern computerized methods
  • unsolved historical cryptograms
  • the Enigma and other encryption machines
  • the history of modern (computer-based) cryptography
  • special linguistic aspects of cryptology
  • the influence of cryptography on the course of history
  • teaching and promoting cryptology in schools, universities, and the public

We welcome everybody interested in the field of historical cryptology to participate in the event. We invite submissions to HistoCrypt for presentation at the conference (onsite or online), which will be evaluated by a program committee. Participation in the conference is mandatory for at least one author of each accepted paper.

Conference Highlights

As part of the conference, we are happy to announce the invited keynote speakers:

  • Maarten Oberman: Cryptologist, specialized on Cold War cryptology and the Dutch cipher machine ECOLEX
  • Paul Reuvers: Engineer, Hagelin expert, crypto collector and curator of www.cryptomuseum.com
  • Prof. Gerhard F. Strasser: Professor Emeritus of German and Comparative Literature, The Pennsylvania University


HistoCrypt 2022 represents a continuation of the highly successful European Historical Ciphers Colloquiums (EuroHCC) held in Heusenstamm (2012), Kassel (2016), and Smolenice (2017). Considering EuroHCC's growing popularity among the crypto historians and cryptographers, we established HistoCrypt as an annual, international event. The first event in the series took place at Uppsala University, Sweden in 2018, the second event was held at the Mundaneum in Mons, Belgium in 2019. Due to the worldwide pandemic, the third event at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary in 2020 could not take place as physical meeting, but the proceedings were published. Likewise, the 2021 proceedings were published and an online event was organised in September 2021. Author to papers in the published proceedings will be invited to give a talk at the Histocrypt 2022.


We invite paper submissions in two distinct tracks:

  • regular papers up to 10 pages (including references) on substantial, original, and unpublished research, including evaluation results, where appropriate;
  • short papers up to 4 pages (including references) on smaller, focused contributions, work in progress, negative results, surveys, tutorials, or opinion pieces;

Presentations of accepted papers are either oral, poster, or demo, which will be decided by the program committee.

Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be included in the HistoCrypt 2022 proceedings, which is published as part of the Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) Proceedings Series (http://omilia.uio.no/nealt/?task=publications) by Linköping University Electronic Press (ECP: https://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/index.en.asp), as freely available Gold Open Access. Publications in the Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings are ranked on the Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and publishers as Level 1 publications. Please consult the responsibilities of the authors concerning publication ethics and malpractice statement as described on the ECP website: https://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/index.en.asp#tab4. Paper submissions that violate these requirements will be returned without review.


  • Sunday, January 30, 2022: Submission of Papers
  • Monday, March 21, 2022: Notification of Acceptance
  • Monday, April 25, 2022: Camera-Ready Manuscripts
  • Monday to Wednesday, June 20-22, 2022: Main Conference

Submission formats

All submissions must follow the HistoCrypt 2022 style files, which are available for LaTeX (preferred) and MS Word and can be retrieved from here.

Submissions shall be anonymous, i.e. not reveal author(s) on the title page or through self-references.

Papers must be submitted digitally, in PDF, and uploaded through the on-line conference system. The page limits for submissions are: up to ten pages for regular papers, up to four pages for short papers including bibliographic references. Paper submissions that violate the requirements will be returned without review.

Submission management

Submissions to the conference must follow the above requirements and be uploaded electronically no later than:

  • Sunday, January 30, 2022 23:59 CET

HistoCrypt utilizes the EasyChair conference management system for submission, reviewing, and preparation of proceedings. Submission for the conference are open since December 1, 2021 at:

Program committee

Reviewing of submissions and selection of the conference program will be managed by the HistoCrypt 2022 Program Committee. All submissions will receive at least two double-blind reviews by experts in the field.

  • Carola Dahlke (program chair), Deutsches Museum, Germany
  • Beáta Megyesi, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Bernhard Esslinger, University of Siegen, Germany
  • Benedek Láng, University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • Dermot Turing, Kellogg College, Oxford, UK
  • George Lasry, DECRYPT and CrypTool projects, Israel
  • Karl de Leeuw, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

To inquire about the submission and reviewing process or generally the scientific program of the conference, please email

Local organization

  • Karl de Leeuw (general chair)
  • Jaap van Tuyll
  • Jan Bergstra
  • Matthijs Koot
  • Paul Reuvers

For all practical inquiries, please email to: karl13@xs4all.nl.

Covid-19 situation

We are hopeful that the 2022 conference can take place as physical meeting in the first place. In case that conditions and travel options become limited again, we will try hard to arrange a hybrid event with physical meeting and the possibility to present online. Should circumstances beyond the control of the organizers make the physical meeting impossible, the organizers shall undertake every reasonable effort to implement the conference as a virtual meeting. Should this prove to be impossible, the organizers reserve the right to cancel this edition of the conference, and publish the accepted papers in the proceedings. News will be posted on the website.


Photo: Inge Hoogland

Last update 2022-04-26