
Registration Icon

Hint: There will be a participation fee of 50 EURO in cash for speakers and attendants.
This you will pay directely at the reception desk in Smolenice, and you will obtain a receipt.

The following rooms are available (the price is for room per day):

9 x single room
15 x double room
9 x triple room
4 x apartment

Price per person for a room per day:

single room64 eur
double room, one person94 eur
double room, two persons118 eur (59 eur / person)
triple room, one person114 eur
triple room, two persons138 eur (69 eur / person)
triple room, three persons162 eur (54 eur / person)
apartment, one person144 eur
apartment, two persons168 eur (84 eur / person)

To register for HCC 2017, please fill and submit the following form:


Data for bank transfers:
Name of the Account Holder: Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Address: Štefánikova 49, 814 73 Bratislava, Slovakia
Bank: Štátna pokladnica (State Treasury)
Bank Address: Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
IBAN: SK83 8180 0000 0070 0000 7079
Variable symbol: 1260, and your name for information to the beneficiary