The next European Historical Ciphers Colloquium (EuroHCC) will be held on 18 to 19 May 2017 at the
Castle Smolenice near Bratislava, Slovakia. EuroHCC is aiming to be the premier annual European
event about the history of cryptology.
We encourage everybody interested in classical cryptography and cryptanalysis to submit either an
abstract (at most 2 pages) for a presentation or a paper (at most 10 pages), which will be evaluated
by the organizing committee. The Conference Proceedings will have at most 150 pages, including all
technical pages, and this limit cannot be exceeded.
The conference's subjects include, but are not limited to:
- the use of cryptography in military, diplomacy, business, and other areas
- analysis of historical ciphers with the help of modern computerized methods
- the influence of cryptography on the course of history
- the Enigma and other encryption machines
- unsolved historical cryptograms
- the Voynich manuscript and Rohonczi kodex
- the history of modern (computer-based) cryptography
- teaching and promoting cryptology in schools, universities, and the public
Submissions must carry the names of authors (not anonymous). The final version of accepted submissions will be printed in a proceedings volume to be distributed at the conference. The conference language is English. Submissions must be pdf files prepared with LaTeX. For the printed proceedings, also the LaTeX source code is required. Participation in the conference is mandatory for at least one author of each paper. The length of a presentation is expected to be 30 minutes (including Q&A). Submissions from those who are new to the field, particularly students, are very welcome. There will be a participation fee 50 EURO in cash for speakers and attendants. This you will pay directely at the Reception desk in Smolenice, and will obtain a receipt.
Submission deadline:
Notification: March 6, 2017
Final version due: April 14, 2017
Paper submissions:
Submission is closed!
Templates and Instructions:
Download LaTeX Template and Instructions
Download LaTeX Abstract Skeleton
Download LaTeX Paper Skeleton